Friday, July 8, 2011

Queen of France

We cannot remove the grid

To my knowledge, there are 3 air-freq grids (tower delivered), already here on the planet, before gps satellites.

However as insulting and degrading as their dominion over our airspace has become, we cannot presume that one end of game is going to create an 'heirloom time',
back into our wovic paradise of naivity,
away from the hates and deviants of now.

Before, people start tearing towers down, we need to know what is actually run through them. As if it is; your bank, (that may be minus also in debt), it is still infrastructure, therefore "a hold" on the minor sanities of 7 billion people.

If wireless, much is swapped space, time diligence in cost over our own consumptive mannerisms.

If we inhabit a few lines specifically for art or dance,  we can cause a silent interruption to the major wireless grid delivery lines for the others. Which at first may sound really cool, even for them.

But if that delivery line is financial to the Frankfurt DAX;
we are only wounded again, as the markets will be inaccessible and the tv's will be consumed by the downtime, therefore the euro community banks will instantly have to invent 300.000.000 to 500.000.000 in a matter of a few days to help out. And the loop continues.,  and house prices go higher!
The only huge power ~ the general populous has now,
is to not watch TV, and not listen to radio,
and quietly return to a time of gardeners and
be a people who do not require more.

Mapping the cities into gardens and becoming city gardens,
(with permanent car-parked exteriors), is easy, thanks to google,

"What flower is there to behold?" Perhaps fertilizer is needed:

Back to gridding, those towers may need to stay around a while,
if we still want to communicate region to region.
We need to devise local lans,
instead of diverting into 'queries of exactly what data is drifting through, what breech snoop, interrupt can occur," via wireless network grid delivery house to house'.