It's a food shopping comparator, Updated! after many yrs, it held some errors.
The price comparator is for products,
w/per kg price totals., giving out the lowest priced
shopping lists, and other types of non-food
products may be used.
Supports 12 stores
with about 50 products each,
and their various shipping deviation inclusions.
the google xls. link is at :
there are several output pages of variations,
including 2 new 3 store-only pages,
1). lowest priced page, with unlisted product outputs.
2). the highest number of products page. etc.
they condense the 12 stores of suppliers,
by saving... time and energy costs for buyers and purchasers.
rankings are also included.
1. It works in open office xls, and gnumeric xls.
2. Only the price list page has halt boxes on it.
3. The seek-out thing works, but there are a few over-nests lurking (5).