The Facet Shares
Budget Layout
The Facet Names
Hotel Business Plan
The EU Castle Collective; brought to you through my Capetian Dynasty heredity, The Vaux Kingdom of France:
Castle Surnamed Descendants: Meaning the Chateau, Castle or Palace name is:
either your current last name or one of your ancestors last names (surname). Min. of 3 French Castle letters, Castle Facet list.
If you are of non-blood lined descent, and the Chateau name is your current last name, and has also been the last name of your ancestors for several generations, then you are also included.
Non-Castle Surnamed Persons;
The Castle Hotels that are completed, by the Collective will not all be exclusive, therefore if you are not on the Chateau list with an ancient Castle surname from France... you can still stay in one of our completed accommodations, from Tipee camping to 5 star, or visit a castle with a museum.
Castle Surnamed Descendants: Meaning the Chateau, Castle or Palace name is:
either your current last name or one of your ancestors last names (surname). Min. of 3 French Castle letters, Castle Facet list.
If you are of non-blood lined descent, and the Chateau name is your current last name, and has also been the last name of your ancestors for several generations, then you are also included.
Non-Castle Surnamed Persons;
The Castle Hotels that are completed, by the Collective will not all be exclusive, therefore if you are not on the Chateau list with an ancient Castle surname from France... you can still stay in one of our completed accommodations, from Tipee camping to 5 star, or visit a castle with a museum.
The Creation of the EU Castle Collective
The objective of the collective is for the rebuild and maintenance of all castles and chateaus within the EU, however in the sparse early beginnings, I am thereby starting with France.
The EU Castle Collective;
brought to you through my Capetian Dynasty heredity, (The Vaux Kingdom, Kingdom of France) is defined as:
and is for specified for:
Surnamed descendants; from the names of Chateaus and Castles, meaning the Chateau or Castle name is either in your current last name or one of your ancestors last names (surname).
Persons non-blood lined, that are also named after one of the chateaus, as with a current French last name, of Fontaine ie, are also allowed to be participants.
brought to you through my Capetian Dynasty heredity, (The Vaux Kingdom, Kingdom of France) is defined as:
and is for specified for:
Surnamed descendants; from the names of Chateaus and Castles, meaning the Chateau or Castle name is either in your current last name or one of your ancestors last names (surname).
Persons non-blood lined, that are also named after one of the chateaus, as with a current French last name, of Fontaine ie, are also allowed to be participants.
Repairs Taxation: "The Ghost Tax"
A 25 % property-repair tax* from the EU Castle Collective, is applied to each Chateau sale, (ie, 1,000,000 to 1,250,000 as a buyers price increase), however, it increases the sale price, only temporarily.The 25% tax amount, is matched by the EU, which finally releases the EU from further historical duties.
The EU Collective Tax, held through a Savings Account Fund***,
then goes toward the repairs and rebuild costs of all** of Europe's Ruins and Castles.
In certain cases, the EU may allocate more spending over and above the 25% tax, in order for a sale of a Chateau to go through. As long as the EU Government (European Community) is cleared from future encombrances within its budget.
the Ghost Tax
*For the collective buyer, it is merely a "Ghost tax", that they do not actually pay, because the EU pays the tax. In this video, however, I have not yet mentioned, this fun ghost tax, being a non-requirement for collective participants.**Included: Castles, Chateaus or Palaces
1. All personal residences, classed as Castles, Chateaus, Palaces, of historical value and consequence. Upon those resales, finalized sales are to be processed through the EU Castle Collective.2. Other normally known and stated as a Castle, Chateau, Palace, Fort or Abbey, that are used for businesses, and/or other tourist obligations.
**Not included: Castles, Chateaus or Palaces
If a Castle, Chateau or Palace belongs to a Sovereignty or Kingdom, already, such as with Denmark, then it is not included with the Collective, because they already have their taxation authority for care and keeping. It will be their prerogative to join, as their repairs budget handling will relinquish into the Collectives keep.The guidance and maintenance keep decisions being from heirs of the particular palaces themselves.
Newer palaces since Napoleon III in 1870, as materials have changed.
Castles held by Military personnel within the EU.
Castles held by Military personnel within the EU.
Materials Supply
Under the topic of material and supply purchasing power. As the stones themselves often come from a castles region, in certain cases the purchasing power will be lessoned. Although in many cases, I believe newer methods, and even the usage of thinner walls will help to lesson rebuild costs. As it's better to have their walls built, rather than derelict the past.Wood supplies, also can be handled correctly and purchased-only through environmentally sound businesses.
Surname Descendant Intentions and Obligations:
The EU Castle Collective is intent on assuring dedicated ownership, for the original surnamed descendants of the castles.~~~
A group of persons with strong vestiges and associations of rights and respectabilities, for their inherited, dominion estates, antiquities, and priories, that were reasoned into being, from their original ancestors.
My Included Data and Research
As "The Collective" is set to be a vast group containing all of Europe's castles,this particular website contains information regarding; Castles, Palaces and Chateaus from "The Capetian Queen of France, Therese". Which is Merely, a beginning hop... to an larger independent website for "The EU Castle Collective".
-------EU Castle Collective Minutes-------
The Website's Design
First, each country of the EU will be listed separately,then, the castle group of facet surnames,
then, a questionaire for descendants of the surnames to join:
The Surname Castle Pages:
After "The list of Originating Facet Surnames", with original names: such as the French; Vau, Fon, Guy, Roc (Roq), Ber. in a table with a link list.
In the page layout, each originating surname page, contains it's group of chateaus and castles.
The Facet Explanations:
The facets are from the castles or chateaus themselves and not normally only a Gombervaux chateaus go into the Vau Chateau category.
Also many regional dialect and phonetic sounding names are included with the facet, for instance; like Beaux, Baux under the Vau category.
Some countries are difficult such as Britain, as many castles are surnamed-only once, with no other castles sharing name of origin. aside from the "inghams" style, every so often.
Therefore, the main focus of the Collective will first be on France,
as it has an easier castle-grouping surname system, rather than one-by-one.
Chances are higher, the romance language countries, like Spain and Italy, run their surnames very similarly.
Chances are higher, the romance language countries, like Spain and Italy, run their surnames very similarly.
Also the Rocco, for example is with many Italian castle names, and although it shares the Roc origin, it is better to keep separate, from France. Therefore, that facet of Roc is grouped with castles from Italy, for website organization purposes.
and ...At this time, I am not working on the Rocco's of Italy.
and ...At this time, I am not working on the Rocco's of Italy.
Each Individual Surname Page:
These pages contain, a list of Chateaus, and a sign-up process for persons of that surname, such as Roc.
The sign-up contains questions about the persons heredity line, and Intentions:
The sign-up contains questions about the persons heredity line, and Intentions:
Questionaire for Surname Descendants:
Using "Roc" for these questions:Generations:
1. Are you of a Royal blood line? If so, what name is the most recent King or Queen in Europe that you descend from. Further documentation, such as genealogy records, (normally run through the Mormon church.) may be needed as proof.2. Are you from a peerage class, a non-royal blood line, such as a Baron, who's sister husband's line was a royal blood line, leading to a King or Queen?
3. What generation were your ancestors a Roc? (Roq) (.ie).
Ownership Shares and Intentions:
1. To be a Ruine Builder for any of the EU Collective Chateaus by joining a work crew group, ...that travels castle to castle, and lives on the estates building site, under temporary conditions, while inhabiting yurts or other short term housing fixtures.The live-in work crew groups will have several groups, from the ruins and gardens group, with masons and woods craftsmen and gardeners, to the finishing touches and interior design groups.
Profit shares for these groups, will only be later gleened, when the property is in business-working order.
2. Short term Holiday only 1-2 weeks.
3. Long term Holiday only, 3-12 months
4. Purchasing fully, as an individual Roc owner?
5. To be only a silent partner of a particular Chateau or any of the Roc Chateaus, and earn profit shares.
Which Chateau's?
1. Are there specific Chateaus or ruins you want to purchase? If so please list or "check off" from the available names.2. Are you willing to purchase any Chateau or ruin, under the Roc surname?

1. How much are you initially willing to spend toward your Castle Share values? (Share prices are set on the next page).2. If a full purchase, on an already completed castle,
what business sector do you offer the Collective, ie. Wool goods and distribution, bed and breakfast*.
*advertising for holiday clientele, is run through another business department of the collective.
One good thing to keep in mind if are to be owning out-right,
is that you are added to our Collective's Business Network.
So, in the event your expertise is drawbridges, and we require a few drawbridges kitted, we would buy them from your company.
Business and Profession and Age questions
1. If you want to work for a Roc Chateau, after its built and ready to be lived in or near completion. In what capacity? such as,
Travel guide
On-site grounds staff
(including gardener, house chores, wait staff,
animal husbandry; sheep, horses, fowl, etc.),
Castle tourism and Entertainments;
festivals, art shows, ballets, mostly for the public castles.
On-site grounds staff
(including gardener, house chores, wait staff,
animal husbandry; sheep, horses, fowl, etc.),
Castle tourism and Entertainments;
festivals, art shows, ballets, mostly for the public castles.
2. Are you willing to work online-only and stay where you are, rather than move to the Castle's Country?
3. Any rare talents or artisan craft skills, such as:
Cliff Climbing Sportsman
Interior Designer
Opera Singer
Private pilot
Ship captain
Stain Glass Artisan
Stone modeler
Cliff Climbing Sportsman
Interior Designer
Opera Singer
Private pilot
Ship captain
Stain Glass Artisan
Stone modeler
4. If you have any professional skills, such as being:
an Architect, Doctor, Lathes-man, Office worker or a Lawyer?
5. How old are you?
6. How many physical hours of work, per day are you comfortable with? in hours:
1-3 strenuous, 1-8 strenuous,
1-3 active tasks, 1-8 active tasks,
1-3 light tasks, 1-8 light tasks.
However in certain professions, such as a Berber Sheep Shepard, you may find yourself indirectly learning french.
an Architect, Doctor, Lathes-man, Office worker or a Lawyer?
5. How old are you?
6. How many physical hours of work, per day are you comfortable with? in hours:
1-3 strenuous, 1-8 strenuous,
1-3 active tasks, 1-8 active tasks,
1-3 light tasks, 1-8 light tasks.
Language Preference:
1. You do not have to speak French or other languages, it all depends upon your work obligation with the collective.However in certain professions, such as a Berber Sheep Shepard, you may find yourself indirectly learning french.
Other Questions:
1. Do you already have an EU drivers license from one of the EU States, or are you willing to get one; in the event you are going to live in France as a collective worker.2. Do you want to be with a group of persons with children or without?
3. Have you already lived in Europe? if so how many years.
Otherwise, what is your hopeful commitment time-frame with your "Roc" collective, a summer, 6 months, a year, or throughout your lifetime.
Final Close of these Minutes
In conclusion of todays meeting;hopefully something was solved in the direction of the EU Castle Collective.
The creation of "the Ghost Tax", Reduced materials supplies for rebuilds, and the comments form, including a person's profession and work capacities, which helps out in the decisional process.
After 15 years in Europe, mostly in France, much of my time has been living in the scenic undulances, of the sometimes spirited French countryside. Where a Chateau is not a just another Chateau, each has its own individualities with regional aperitifs of affections, brought to you by the original craftsmen and designers.