Sunday, June 17, 2018

Queen of France

Utopian Ruiners

Another letter sent to Animal Experimenters:

Please stop your blatant cruelty to animals and find another career.
There is a war against you and others like you; a war that will not stop until all the animals are freed from their spent tortures, inflictions and agonies and further animal incarcerations, a war brought on to stop all abusive people touting "in the name of Science".
Disdain forever wears itself on your person, this garment of disdain, sounds a warning to others, a warning you can never shed.
Try to huddle together with your putrid kind and well even better, as the war in our midst, finds and identifies your group as evil persons, even sooner.
There is no comfort for you in this life, only penance with constant verification of your past deeds, that you have been completely evil. Not even then, will any gates of heaven be your available either.
Persons who re-create Hell are evil. Identify yourself as such and just maybe as your days of breath finds themselves shorter, you might get a few more.
Personally I don't care, if you can ever sleep at night again. What fools the others are, to even garner you the extra effort of gaining any rest.
You will totally and completely be known as a person who has inflicted animal cruelty until your dying day and the subsequent thereafter.
Not an epitaph of a life, one normally regimes to be known as.
I wonder the why, in your Hell re-creation, and realize you are a mere foster child of Religion.
As without Hell, Religion is not required.

Utopian Ruiners.

Utopian Ruiners, Stay away from me;

This letter is from the Animal Freedom Fighter;
Therese Vaux de la Fontaine