Saturday, May 24, 2014

Queen of France

Property Purchases with & without Mortgages

As the Vaux Kingdom's savings balances builds, while maintaining its population with the pre-paid wage & other governmental departments:

A few interims of money flow have to go on during the transition phase:
Beginning with each property sold,
requiring a buyer, who has the dedicated amount, the seller is asking:

such as :
seller: 2,000,000 to sell.
buyer: 2,000,000 or more* to purchase.

*in areas where property is in demand, buyers may purchase higher.


Later on, as the savings balance builds, higher, then, purchases of property over the 20 yrs, without a mortgage, of 1000-10000 per yr. can commence.

Before that time: if the full amount to purchase is not available,
mortgages are the option, if not renting.

Purchasing through a bank.

Bank loans & mortgages can be used as an inclusion method of purchase:
in conjunction with the pre-paid wage allowance toward a property.

bank mortgage + the pre-paid wage allowance = property paid.

However because of the additional interest rates,
the houses or condos available to the purchaser will be lower priced in value,
than ones with the longer term plans for the Kingdom,
(of interest free over 20 yrs) ... on properties up to 200,000. per person.

as shown in the following workable chart:

under the with mortgage & without mortgage sections.

Located on the spreadsheet of The Kingdoms Profit & Budget  
on the property allowance page.

With help of the Kingdom's Allowance a few lesser valued properties can be purchased outright if a savings is associated and or other persons group purchase.

& Later on...
when the Kingdom can purchase the many properties outright for resale,
with full value finally returned over 20 yrs time, :
Then the free-interest rate version, with properties up to 200,000 per person,
can be purchased directly through us.


*The kingdoms budget spreadsheet:
Things I am adding to it:

1.) requires a few more department columns,
such as health care (100 per person aprox.), & realtors % based,
from the kingdom savings account.

2.) property sheet
of sellers & buyer(s),
with prices of each. that are sold through the kingdom.
as those yearly amounts then, are adding into the total into the years income,
on the starting sheet.
3.) Profit Shares % for businesses to give out to employees, to make up the difference, from the 20000 wage to their old wage,
such as 50000, reducing the retirement benefits to around 39000,
requiring profit shares of 19000 for the employee.
Businesses will have the profit shares available for their workers,
because there is no business income tax,
plus the free pre-paid wage workers with lessor skills.

4.) Including also on the property sheet section:
inheritance properties, with value columns,
if there are no beneficiaries listed from the property owner.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Queen of France

The Kingdom's Profits & Budget Spreadsheet

This is the profits-to-budget, divy-out banking spreadsheet for..:
The Vaux Kingdoms Budget Department:
  • including allocations to governing departments, with % to each,
  • Chart w/# of reserve years left to the pre-paid wage, based on balance.
  • population estimates, & fields for the actual stats.
  • estimations & fields for # of properties,
  • income from property sales, 
  • & other items such as fines,
  • historical balances, in which to regain unspent savings into the years budget amount.
  • Reserves sheet, for # of yrs. savings supplies the kingdom.

xlsx: Kingdom's Budget to Profits Calculator
google docs: Kingdom's Budget to Profit Calculator

I seems that I am finished with it, there were lastly a few zeros,
that kept turning up in place of text calls,
so I stopped most of the text call equations, how strange,
text box fields to text box fields calls used to work, as a spreadsheet capability.
I left 5 years of data-in, for looks, that needs to be cleared out before the actual starting date begins. 

On the 13th, I added an automated, load of values into the sales, page, for the population stats. & a few more columns ready for bank receives & sends on the properties page.

on the 11th, the new property listing page, is finished.

on the 10th,
consolidations for 20yrs. sections of dept. & savings,
worked out the awkward of the first year to the second issues of payments,
& am adding in the new property listing page, some time today.

On the 9th,
I updated population-add-features with %'s & optional
to the savings increase section.
& added a minimal department & savings spending to the first year.

Each yr listed, on the budget sheet,
pertains to income gathered during that yr.,
which is paid out at the beginning of the next.

On June 7th & 8th, 2014
a few new things, the property sales sheet,
& the 'Savings increase' section,
of 20 yrs, on the index page,
showing population numbers that can be supported with the pre-paid wage.
based on property sales & population increases.

On June 4th, 2014

the yearly tax collection section has been increased to be the monthly or quarterly collection for the certain businesses,
& also a new property sales amount section, as a guide for next years budget.
& The new reserve section on the budget page, holds days left with the pre-paid.

On June 3rd, 2014 all kinds of little code repairs,
& the new index sheet,
which front loads the main parameters for the other pages.

On June 2nd, 2014
the yearly tax collection section has been added, for specific businesses such as utilities companies, to the budget sheet, an index page, a private account withdrawl column for me & my family of the monarchy,
& a few other sheet clean-ups.

For added on May 31, 2014
an exacting mortgage helper for the property allowance sheet.

I updated it on May 30, 2014 with 5 yrs of data,
population growth & property purchases,
& there is a savings build for the Kingdom.

The added-in 25% income tax rate, & it works with earnings,
including the pre-paid wages, leaving enough for department
spending for most typical governments.

I still prefer the pre-paid only version that demands persons modify their lifes-styles a bit & use only profit shares, enhanced profit shares over having taxation, & there are pre-paid workers for a company. Therefore more initial gains to a company, that are returned as extra profits from profit shares than a taxed system with profit shares, which makes up the yearly wage difference.
& the bulk of the Kingdom's income from property sales. Lastly, implementing taxes only for Banks & Casinos, as they could help out as the balancers of the budget.

With the pre-paid only system, being a mandatory, a couple quick reasons are...
because the Kingdom is also a major purchaser of building supply centers,
for repairs of property, the Kingdom is further enabled at keeping building supply stores offering sustainable products.
& employees have more choices over where to work.

It is possible a Monaco system could be included,
with higher savings interest rates or no income tax on savings,
to lure banking customers in from other countries,
while offering loans,
a bonus income from loans towards the pre-paid wage,
though it is limiting, as it requires others from other countries in participation. & I am seeking a new world government financial system not only one country that is a tax haven.

I am still adding on to it, the program above, increasing pages...
to support more of the individual departments budget to sector data,
&  income lists for the real estate buy & sells and inheritances.
With each major update, I am writing a blog to explain it.
So, return to get the latest updated copies, from the above links.

New to include with the taxation section, 
is the 5% tax, specific to the major department stores,  that are selling food and clothing products. 
The tax is a year-end tax to each store, and therefore not a tax charged to the consumers.

Queen of France

Dealing with Crowds

As the days go on,

the people are not leaving,
as they have many requirements they need & want fulfilled:

People will become hungry, and the local shops are going to become empty.

Supplies into these shops may be difficult to re-stock due to crowds blocking the store fronts & roads.

A few vehicles have to be given access,
the food vans, & occasional ambulances.
shuttles back to other regions of the bay area,
to look after pets or persons left behind.

If the bart train stops or the electricty is cut,
we need to go back to possie judicial law.

Where certain persons guard the shops & food stores. 

Maintaining even more calm than before.

If a shop window is broken into,
the reason & the person(s) need to be found out as to the why. 

Other Importants:
large water tanks available for free water. 

free condoms available to young women in the crowd.

Food & Food Helpers:
People who want to make food right their fresh for the passerbys.
There will not be natural gas or ovens unless kitchens
within a few of the houses are used for cooking.
1-2 houses per block should be adequate.

Simple, Cheap & Quick Cooked foods,
Polentas (fine corn), Bulgour, or Couscous,
Cooked with mixtures of raisens or olives & spices, & a little vinagrete.

Crepes & pancakes

Healthy greens,
from the stores such as green beans, spinaches, collards, etc.
If the supplies run low, perhaps there are stinging nettles around, the park regions, that have not been pesticide sprayed.
As they can be used as a spinach replacement.

Baked or slow roasted items such as potatoes,
take longer electricity wise, therefore a luxury item, to go with.

Turnips, Carrots, Beets, Broccoli, Radishes can be handed out
with Fruits also... as they can all be eaten raw.

Please do not bring any meat into the feasting,
as it promotes aggressivity.

If people are selling food, that is their option,
though, I prefer free handouts from the kingdom & workers of the kingdom of the simple cuisines such as couscous & vegetable platters.

Better to separate the men from the women if possible,
back to women in this section of 100 persons, & men in another section of 100 persons, to avoid excesses in promiscuity.

Video speaker podiums available to the people, each 100 person area,
so each person there can have their questions answered formally and available to tv shows & computer rooms around the world.

A speaker podium at the front arena to have discussions with the next heirs to the throne & others workers from the kingdom directly.

At night a few low key bands can play, to help enjoy the Kingdoms begins.
Over a few days & the crowd is content with how the new government system works,  even with melted plastic plates for id,
then it is better to move the podium arena to in-class live video chats
with students of UC Berkeley & other universites, back to normal forum environments, not always be outdoors.

Inviting students from majors and minors in Government, Law, Civics, Economics, Business & the Mathematics Department.
Streaming video such as, Skype & google hangout to reach broader audiences.

The momentum of the Kingdoms budget continuance needs to be kept though,
hopefully with enough buys & sales of real estate already,
The above stated classes, & persons therein,
will be more than supportive of our new beginnings to stop poverty,
while maintaining an economy,on a global scale. 


Queen of France

Quickie ID Cards

Back to the crowds in the SF Bay area demanding their 20,000 to the kingdom, before they leave to return to their houses & apartments.

Plastic Plates melted  and poured into shapes with forms.

a small written area on paper detailing:

eye color
hair color
body scars
an unusual earring, & the other is worn during each sale.

The small piece of paper is then glued to the plastic card,
and a clear varnish is coated over the paper & card for protection.

This method is basic, though does give immediate proof of person quickly.

While, we wait for companies to create,
insert your card into a card reader, for instant 3d hologram views & videos freshly woven from our computer streams & other exotics of technology.

or while we update to the simple,
photo with your yorkie or indoor houseplant photo only version.

Its preferred, to not have to resort to being as a Luxembourg or Leichtenstein,
where you have to buy property to gain citizenship.
Though it brings an instant start to the Kingdom's financial earnestness,
so I can't knock it as a choice.

After a house has been paid for to the Kingdom,
then an ID card can be issued.
The 20,000 can then be deposited into your bank account.
It is better to go with 6 month deposits of 10000 each,
as the limiters to each days spend amount...
of always having 27 vas euro dollars til the end of the year
may not yet be implemented by the bank writers.

I prefer not to have to be force a purchase of a property on the people though,
rather go with the bounty of buys & sells creating a natural state of profit...that then funds businesses also.
& believe opening the market for persons to join the Kingdom immediately will already bring a profit in certain areas, such as the east bay of San Francisco.

Profit that runs the Kingdom & the people of the Kingdom.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Queen of France

Employee Profit Calculator

This calculator sheet supplies
the answer amounts when each employee gives
his or her amount of input deposits to a business.
From 500-10,000 in the first section,
from the pre-paid wage allowance, or over 10,000 in the 2nd section.

When over 10,000 as an employee input deposit, such as 12,000,
Part of their pre-paid wage can be also used.

After a year of sales, worker profits-to-their-savings are listed
for each worker, based upon their original input for the year.

Also included; is the long-term financier investment share,
such as 30% from the company each year, for his or her investment profits.

the link to the spreadsheet:
version xlsx: Employee Profit Calculator
google docs: Employee Profit Calculator

the newest updated version has 2 profit share calculators
listed with the Kingdoms Budget Spreadsheet,
under profit_shares & profit_shares_lg

The Vaux Kingdoms Budget & Profit Calculator

Queen of France

Re-Adjusting Currencies 1 to 1

Introducing currency stability, 1 to 1,
through to africa, russia & the middle east.
the euro itself, has readjusts,
with increases or decreases with each country,
using the total amount of "all their bank balances known".

This technique is opposite to their currency valuations,
but it brings them one-to-one, easily.
As the lessor currency is printed to match the higher currency. *

When a currency exchange rate is over 1 euro,

10000 euros  to 20000 pounds, = 10000 euros printed
which equals: 20000 euros & 20000 pounds = 1 to1

When a currency exchange rate is under 1 euro,

10000 euros  to 5000 rupies, = 5000 rupies printed
which equals: 10000 euros & 10000 rupies = 1 to1

The inflated currencies, when over 1 euro, create printed euros.

The deflated currencies when under 1 euro, are printed to match the euro.


The euro is used as the medium amount in the middle,

In another example:
when the amount is less:

80 yen to the 1.00 euro, 20 yen are printed.

when the amount is more:
1.50 usd to the 1.00 euro, .50 euro are printed.

example to less:
at the old exchange rate
100000 euro to 200000 dinars
then the euros of the central bank of the kingdom,
are raised by 100000 euro (newly printed) to match the 200000,
-without the need for burning the difference
-or sending away goods and supplies.

example to more:
at the old exchange rate
100000 euro to 200000 dinars
then the euros of the central bank of the kingdom,
are raised by 100000 euro (newly printed) to match the 200000,
-without the need for burning the difference
-or sending away goods and supplies.

Where it is Printed:
Therein, during and after, the central bank also prints,
any and all of the new money necessary for the countries, participating.
Meaning the lessor currency that has to be printed,
occurs with the Central bank of the Kingdom only.

The Vaux coat of arms or other Kingdom of France logo,
goes into the newer prints.

As not all the money is needed to be printed for the countries, 
the new correct balance is stored as a digital amount, ready to be printed if required.
Amounts over 2.00 are stored digitally & not printed.

*when the higher currency to match from the euro is over 2.00

1.) One way is remove the high inflated currency from existence,
by converting all of it into euros, by a certain date.
2.) Any amounts over 2.00, goes into a separate account,
and stored digitally only as new euros.
the newly accumulated euros over 2.00 will not be printed,

such as with 2.35. the .35 values are stored digitally as the inflated extra account.

The new stored digitally only account received from over-inflated currencies,
is held as un-usable, in the eyes of countries around the world,
so as not to enter our currencies value into over-inflation,
until many other countries have joined our kingdom, also.

Then, the old paper currency from mexico,
does not need to removed from circulation.

and yes, no currency printing from mexico would be allowed further,
only through our Kingdom's central bank.

All of above is assuming that the total balance amount of all currency
that has been known to be printed or held by their banks within their country,
has been given to the kingdom as a reference.

ie: Official letter from:
the Federali Bank of Mexican Government Authorities Officiale:
2,000,000,000 printed & digitally are in circulation as mexican pesos.
and the last printed batch was on this date:_______________.


As I have mentioned on previous vlogs,
the intent is to call the new Euro...
the Vas Euro and then simply the "Vas" pronounced Vahz.

Later on, with the fun of money, it will be a tourist spectacle event to visit & collect different currencies from, with currency printing villages, like disney.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Queen of France

Card Info: Savings & External Banking & "Trip &Tell"

Implementing certain restrictions to the pre-paid cards,
they do not need to occur right away as the amounts are minimal*,
though over time, we may prefer to take this blog into advice:
 *estimated 200,000 over 20 yrs.

The pre-paid wage is not to be given into a bank entity as a savings.

As the cards are digital,
the feature of refusal to other banks, has to be implemented,
unless it is deposited directly into the Kingdom of France's account
with the external bank.

if a bank receives the card at their counter to be deposited into;
savings or personal checking, money market or brokerage accounts,
The yearly amounted card will be declined,
unless its the Kingdom of France account.

For Business transactions through other banks:
However, it is a want to make use of these cards available
for use for business funding with these other popular banks.
For that to happen the bank needs to support
a special Kingdom of France account
as an external bank transaction,
where a business id code can be included
& an id code from which person, transacting the amount.
With these safeguards in place,
the 20,000 is safely kept from entertaining
money funneling practices elsewhere.

Otherwise, normal deposit usage into a business,
is via the cards through certain affiliated offices,
that are branches of the Kingdoms Bank.
For deposit only to businesses held within the Kings Register.

Normally with day-to-day shopping within the Kingdom,
the values from cards are spent with shops & stores
that hold their banking deposits with the Kingdom of France Bank.
"Accepted here", within the borders of the kingdom really means,
a business registered with the kingdom.
Therefore each business within the kingdom,
has a bank account to receive these deposits & payments.

Honorary members of the kingdom living outside of the kingdom,
will also have the same limits, only allowed to deposit into the Kingdoms of Frances Bank account.

If during the transition phase,
the decline from a deposit into external savings & personal checking accounts, cannot be completed right away, it is not the end of the world,
as the 20,000 each yr. over 20 years is only 400,000 per person.

Though...most likely after food & housing is spent upon,
only 200,000 maximum would be the amount sent into
an external banks savings.

We just do not want to be other bank feed suppliers,
that ruins our purposes quickly, so much so,
that we need to increase banking income taxes into 45% to the bank itself.
Causing excessively overcharged fees to the people,
from that bank to compensate.

Nor does the Kingdom want to forgoe
the remaining amounts at each yrs end,
that goes back into the balance as a deposit.

Travelling or Living outside of the Kingdom:
Preference to currency:
If a store or shop or country, only goes with kronas,
A travellers check version as a digital card,
can be issued before for a persons journey or trip,
through one of our affiliate kingdom offices.
Where the affiliate office charges the amount from the Kingdoms card,
for 3000, in example, & issues a small card for 3000, for the journey.

To receive money from the card at an external bank
during a trip or journey or work furlough that can be implemented,
though perhaps, a watch list needs to be going on for these persons,
so as not to assume illegality, rather,
we know which person is actively doing this money release transaction,
away from the kingdoms boundries.
& too many money release transactions,
without discussion of purposes
with our funding department of allowances,
will put that person out of our kingdom,
meaning kicked out of the kingdom and not allowed to return,
nor ever collect again his or her yearly pre-paid wage.

Trip & Tell
So, a "Trip & Tell" feature, linked to its listed database,
needs to be set-up, online, for each account holder,
& random checks will go on the verify the Trip & Tell person
was legitimately truthful, with their need for transactions.
A phone hotline also,
for the persons with these cards that escape the kingdom into spends elsewhere.
A phone number to call & include variations of changes that may have gone on with their journey, that may disturb the cards workable activity, when no internet access into their normal account is available.
Implementing an online chat conference from time to time.

Queen of France

Taxation to Banks & Writs of Deeds & Insurance

As the 0% mortgage value of up to 10,000 per yr
is already allowanced as a give to the people,
the in-addition loans from Banks are classed as a luxury item,
an item that endures the possibles of applied interest rates
from money lenders.

It is not recommended for most people to pursue a loan or mortgage,
over the 200000, allowanced over 20 yrs,
as the income has to come from other sources,
such as a dependable business income, or directly from their savings accounts.

400,000 maximum property value over 20 yrs, per couple,
or 600,000 maximum for a husband & 2 wives,
is more than plenty for most real estate areas of the world.

Title & Writ Deeds of Own

For the Purchaser:
When a person is using part of their yearly wage toward a real estate property,
the deeds and title of ownership papers remain with the kingdom's offices.

After the property has been paid in full;
The the original "writ of own" deed,
respective with personable details of names & amount(s) paid by each,
are stored with the kingdom.
If proof of property owned is required,
for a mortgage or loan in addition to their yearly allowance,
from a banking business entity,

Online version:
the loaned-to person,  from our kingdom,

orders for 50 Vas (or other kingdom currency, such as euros),
a "certified copy of ownership; view page."
to be available for the specific loan company.
The loaned-to person receives a link, to give or email to the bank,
where the certified copy view web page is available.

Offline version
the loaned-to person,  from our kingdom,
orders for 50 Vas (or other kingdom currency, such as euros),
a "certified copy of ownership; view page."
to be available for the specific loan company.
The Bank requiring the document,
is sent the certified copy for records.

However as times change, so does the actual writ of deed,
so any copies kept as business records will expire over time,
and be invalid documents of proof elsewhere.

Once a purchase has finally completed,
we can permit crimped & certified copies of nominal information,
of 1 page only to the buyer. However the certified copies are not to be used as legal instruments, only as a keepsake momento.
The certified keepsake copy is 50 Vas,  (or other kingdom currency, such as euros), as we are committed to environmentalism.

For the Banks & old style Title offices:
Any deeds of ownership held by banking institutions on current mortgages
are released from their dictates of ties and bounds & delivered to the kingdom,
when a property is sold.

From there, titles & registrations duties of its pertaining
values & commitments mentioned are stored with & by the Kingdom.

Limits on Banking institutions interest rates are as follows:
Interest Rates Allow to Banking Institutions, Brokerage Firms & Money Lenders:
If operating as a business that garners profits from interest rate premiums,
ie. A financing money lender office, a bank subsidiary, bank conglomerate or as a brokerage firm:
  •     Interest Rates on loans by a banking institution for a real estate property are limited to 10 % maximum. This applies to any property that as been already sold into our Kingdom for re-purchase, & declared as worthy of its valuation through our Kingdoms "writ of deeds" offices.
  •     Interest Rates on other loans by a banking institution such as for cars, trips, & other assets, are limited to 20% maximum.
A Banks Yearly Taxation:
To these Banking Institutions, the following business income tax rates also apply:
25% on any & all income from business profits,

Profits that are over and above any of the original cost to the real property values, normally stated as interest rates, mortgage insurance collection profit & other types loan profits.

The Business Income Taxation to Banking Institutions of 25%,
on each years profits,
applies to all property that has not yet been formerly sold through our Kingdom.
Meaning, a Bank with an income profit of 300,000,000 from interest rate collections, (ie.),  then the 25% applies to all of the 300,000,000. Otherwise the Banks would be practicing as money collectors,
illegitimately without a governance.

Private Banking Insurances Opportunity:
This is a feature for the Banks to discover,
If profits of held amounts from previous years by a Bank are limited,
where loaning is risky, then...
the insurer company would rally those failed amounts back to the bank,
and raise or lower their fees,
depending upon the banks value to profit savings.

Keeping a Current Bank as Valuable:
Savings values from their customers can apply, as a value toward profits,
though limited to 45% of allowable loan value.,
whereas, previous governments have been extremely risky operating at 90 % available from their customers savings accounts for loans & mortgages,
In this way 55% of their customers savings is kept without risk from loans or mortgage excesses.
The bank can still offer with safety, interest profits to customers that keep savings with their banking institution.

As we are not the FDIC or any institution that offers a compensation for a failed loan or savings, the risk amount to a customer who meanders into a mortgage through a bank could still occur.
However, at the 55% in demand of a bank's holdings kept & not loaned,
the risk is far less.
Although when only, our real estate allowance (up to 10,000) is used.
The risk is diminished to that only of an insurance predicament.

Insurances of Properties:
Insurance of properties, sold through our Kingdom is not always assumed as necessary, rather in fault finding:
If faults by person or persons are found to be the causants of fire,
or other, the penalty will often be that of reduced pre-paid wages,
rather than a call to an insurance claim company.

However, with Acts of Nature,
Insurance as, "where or when did it start, & how did it happen?"
Acts of nature are the most despicable, at times in this regard,
because there is no person to garnish wages from,
therefore losses are losses.

& those losses have the possibility of assumed help
from an external insurer away from the Kingdom's property offices,
though, the external insurer is not demanded as a have-to, to the persons often called property owner, merely an extra inclusion of fees if the property customer prefers.

If and/or/when acts of nature do become too severe,
we will have a mild restructuring of the Kingdom's budget,
to help allow for any inordinate repairs over & beyond
the capacity of the populations dilemna.
Though, in most circumstances,
a few acts of nature here or there...
such as lightning strikes, or heavy rains to only a few sporadic houses,
then the olde style of an external insurer,
via an their insurance claim companies
could be used as a property holders helper.

The Kingdom of France Bank:
I believe a Post Bank Style,
will be required as a quicker set-up for persons who prefer to use the Kingdoms Bank, backed by all the property aquisitions held & the Kingdom's asset itself, as it is not my intention to cause or create a business collapse for the financial markets banking sector.
Savings held within the Bank;
will also include an interest value, that is non-taxed.

Queen of France

The Penalty Fine: Over 2 children

I mentioned earlier on a vlog,
the fine of 5000 per person, (or couple) that have more than 2 children,
however I need to clarify this a bit better:

If a couple or single mother has 3 birth children:
  1. There is a penalty of 5000.
  2. Given information further about the "Women who are Child-Free Database".
If a couple or single mother has 4 or more birth children:
  1. There is a penalty of 5000, for each child born.
  2. For each new child born, the mother or couple, have to find another woman who has declared herself to be child-free for at least 10 years. 
The child-free woman is then, listed in the:
Women who are Child-Free Database, for 10 yrs.

If the child-free woman's status changes,
& she has a child before the 10 yrs are over,
there is a 2500 penalty to her, a penalty given only if...
she does not find another woman as her database replacement,
another woman who declares herself to be child-free for at least 10 years.

Adopted children are not included with this decree,
only children that are "born from their mothers",

surrogate mothers are included as "born from their mothers", 
& the penalty applies extra;
  1. 5,000 to the surrogate birth mother 
  2. 5,000 to the couple receiving their invitro or artificially inseminated newborn, or younger child.


Queen of France

Reduction to 5% on housing repairs

I had initially gone with 10%, but with, the new demands for a cleaner balanced budget, am reducing it to a maximum of 5% after a house has been sold to the Kingdom. The 5% is a maximum amount, and in many situations unnecessary.

As other demands from the 25% property sales heighten, such as
all of the pre-paid wages, and other facets to run the Kingdom,
the olde 10% amount on a properties value was too much,
so there it is... a reduction.

The pages before, often have stated 10% toward repairs, on this blog,
one day soon, I will attempt to edit them into the 5% so,
our google lookup readers are not confused by old pages of our Kingdoms government.


Banking Institutions:
Meanwhile, I am writing a helper spreadsheet for the banking institutions, as they are not any longer going to handle 100% property values, rather only 50%,
& the other 50% is from our Kingdom, which holds the deeds of title..

& yes, they are as the casinos,
in having to pay additional as money garnishers,
whom earn their money in that fashion, so... each bank & brokerage firm which collects interest rates, is business income taxation rated with our The Vaux Kingdom of France at 25% of their profits.