Avoiding The End of the World
Creation of the
"Coalition of Companies"
Formation of a bundled group of Major Companies, (publically traded companies)
that participate as New City-Building Sponsors offering Donations (overstocks, etc)
& those companies are given a Government Tax-Reduction Incentive for their participation, from the value of amounts donated.
Basic Plan to Start ASAP:
- #1.) Emergency Tax-Reduction Incentive ruling, from Governments*,
supplying the incentives to companies participating in the Disaster Coalition.
- #2.) Then, Companies can rally into participation. "Add our Company to the list".
- #3.) Begin use of the Fulfillment center, and Design planning offices described below.
"New City-Building" Task-Force Companies for the Coalition:
- Delivery
- Airlines.
- Clothing
- Tools (esp. buckets, shovels in the beginning)
- Computers
- Eco Utilities
- Filtration
- Geo Mapping Companies; for best locations
- City Design & Building (software companies, etc.)
- etc.
Likewise: Personal donations to the Climate Disaster Coalition will be direct, a sure "donation" rather than an unsure.
The Coalition of companies, 1 from each country & their major markets: US, CAC, FTSE, DAX,
Indirectly, people will invest in these companies, which will help the companies revenue power & strengthen World Markets.
"Diverting Economic Instability."
*Governments will actually be fine monetarily, from the tax-reduction incentive,
because, normal disaster work has been way too costly to taxpayers already.
Instead of Gov. money from the tax-payers, being spent on all these new disasters,
New money is routed via investors... towards the coalition companies,
bringing less expensive work for the governments.
The Coalition companies are supported by:
- #1.) The Public (donations),
- #2.) Investors (investments)
- #3.) Government (incentives) for their participation.
To Start: Similar to the Salvation Army: Yet, Enhanced with Ecological City-Building
- A large Fullfillment Center warehouse for supplies & goods to be received: & then items shipped to each "New Build" City zone.
- Office group of the Fullfillment Center: keeps track of amounts donated per company. ie.
Items donanted in monetary valuations: ie., Month: Oct, 2022
- ie., 6 sewing machines (for clothing & tents): value $800 to JOAN.
- ie., 30 solar panels & batteries (complete equip.): value: $10800 to TSLA.
- ie., 600 used books (for schools): value: $3000 to AMZN (from unclaimed owner inventories).
- Another office group that's staffed as the "Coalition Center", which keeps track of current planning and logistics per city. (work-at-homes also). New Exodus regions and map plotting for safe city grounds.
"City Design"
Forms of habitation (homes & buildings),
- Shopping venues,
- Pedestrian paths,
- Gardens,
- Nearby fruit, vegetable & legume food sources,
- & Transportation devices.
Environmental Benefits
Aside from just building a new city from donations, there is the new chance to be "ecological" enough, to attempt to stop the further increases of global warming.
Therese Vaux de la Fontaine
"The Queen of france"